Ask Dr. Wheeler
When the people of Grand Rapids need help with their road relationships, there's only one person they consult with: Dr. Susan Wheeler – Road Relationship Counselor.
Watch as Dr. Wheeler answers questions sent in from people with real road relationship issues. Dr. Wheeler is the master of clear direction, sound advice and positive guidance for both motorists and bicyclists. Together, we can work to improve our road relationships and drive change in Grand Rapids.

5 Foot Rule:
Corrina of Comstock Park writes, "I know that I'm supposed to keep my car a certain distance from a bicyclist, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Am I too close? Am I too far? Should I pass? Should I wait? What if they turn? What if they don't? I’m so confused. Please help!
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Keep Bikes on the Road:
Gwen of Grand Rapids writes, "I ride my bike on the roads and designated bike paths as much as I can, but sometimes I just feel safer riding on the sidewalk. I think it's because I have a greater sense of belonging. Is that wrong?"
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Car Door Safety:
Juan of Wyoming writes, "I just opened my car door after I parked on Bridge Street, and a guy on a bike just crashed right into it. He's OK, but in the process, I spilled my iced Frappuccino all over my new suit. Should I send him the dry-cleaning bill?"
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Kevin of Kentwood writes, "Sometimes when I ride my bicycle to work I feel invisible. Like nobody notices me or even cares that I'm there. Can you please help me?"
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Right Turn Safety:
Elaine of East Grand Rapids writes, "I was making a right turn at an intersection yesterday, and all of a sudden, some guy next to me on a bicycle is yelling at me. What did I do?"
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Pedestrian Safety:
Rosa of Grand Rapids writes, "My husband and I were taking a walk downtown last night, and this guy on a bicycle came down the sidewalk and nearly ran us over. Nobody got hurt, but my husband and I got into an argument because I told him that it's illegal for bicyclists to ride on the sidewalk and he said I'm crazy. Who's right?"
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Bike Signals:
Darnell of Eastown writes, "A guy on a bicycle in front of my car just made a hand signal that I didn't recognize, and it made no sense to me. How do I find out what it meant?"
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Stop Signs and Signals:
William of Walker writes, "How can I improve my road relationships with someone who ignores the rules? Like the bicyclist I just saw blow through the stop sign near my house. He nearly got run over."
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Road relationships are a two-way street.
A healthy passion for safety is key to a healthy road relationship.
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Road relationships are a two-way street.
A healthy passion for safety is key to a healthy road relationship.
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